這個星期六因為 filly 菲力 (現已更名為 felix) 從米國回來
希望自己的球技也能更進一步 ~
將是個忙碌的周末 ~
- Aug 20 Fri 2010 09:35
- Jun 10 Wed 2009 11:37
[加東] 2008.07.16 - 08.02 蒙特利爾 (Montréal)
STM.info 可查到捷運地圖
ex. http://stm.info/English/metro/a-mapmet.htm
- http://minc.pixnet.net/blog/post/22021559
- http://minc.pixnet.net/blog/post/22170354
- Station Champ-de-Mars
- 有餘力再去 Ile Sainte-Helene (聖海倫島)
- Montreal Biosphere (蒙特婁生物圈展示館)、La Ronda (遊樂園: 木製雲霄飛車) 黃線地鐵到Jean-Drapeau,接167 La Ronde公車
- Station Pie-Ix
- 景點:The Montreal Tower、Swimming Pool
- 附近景點:Biodôme、Botanical Garden (Jardin botanique de Montréal)、Insectarium
- http://minc.pixnet.net/blog/post/22245359
- Station Place-d-Armes
- 附近景點:Bank of Montreal
- http://minc.pixnet.net/blog/post/21157591
- 1085 rue de la Cathedrale
- Underground City 的中心點大約就在地鐵 McGill
- Map: http://stm.info/English/info/souterrain2008.pdf
- http://minc.pixnet.net/blog/post/21665359
- 3895 Saint-Laurent Boulevard
- smokemeat sandwich
- http://blog.roodo.com/jiadoldol/archives/1250635.html
- 4177 St-Laurent,St-Laurent與Rachel街口
- Poutine
- Mar 12 Thu 2009 21:50
[ubuntu] mplayer ogle libdvdcss2
1. Do the Extra-Repository thing - (look at starter guide)
2. TYPE: sudo apt-get install ogle
3. TYPE: sudo apt-get install ogle-gui
4. Install libdvdcss2 - (look at starter guide)
Install libdvdcss2 and w32 video codecs in Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex)
sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/intrepid.list --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install w32codecs libdvdcss2
5. Restart gnome
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu intrepid universe multiverse
deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu intrepid universe multiverse
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mplayer
- Mar 04 Wed 2009 20:21
[Ubuntu] The R Project for Statistical Computing
到 找出 Ubuntu 8.10 對應的版本(intrepid)後, 將
## The R Project for Statistical Computing
deb http://cran.csie.ntu.edu.tw/bin/linux/ubuntu intrepid/
加入 /etc/apt/sources.list
%apt-get update
W: GPG error: http://cran.cs.pu.edu.tw intrepid/ Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY D67FC6EAE2A11821
W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems
%gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys D67FC6EAE2A11821
得到 D67FC6EAE2A11821 ==> E2A11821
gpg: requesting key E2A11821 from hkp server subkeys.pgp.net
gpg: key E2A11821: "Vincent Goulet
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: unchanged: 1
%gpg --armor --export E2A11821| apt-key add -
%apt-get install r-base
- Feb 26 Thu 2009 11:43
[LaTeX] EndNote 2 BibTex
1. 安裝 EndNote X2 for Win
2. 由 JabRef 下載與安裝 JabRef-2.4.2-setup.exe (http://jabref.sourceforge.net/)
3. 開啟 EndNote 後,於左視窗 Online Search 下的 more... 選擇 PubMed(NLM) 後關閉。此時,PubMed(NLM) 會出現在 Online Search 下,即可於 PubMed 搜尋論文
4. 於 Edit/Output Styles/Open Style Manager... 下選擇 BibTeX Export 後關閉 Style Manager
(CHECKPOINT) 可再一次選擇 Edit/Output Styles/BibTeX Export,此時,右下視窗的 Preview 會出現相對應的 BibTeX 格式
5. 之後選擇右上視窗中要輸出成 BibTeX 檔的論文,並選擇 File/Export...,Output style 選擇 BibTeX Export 存成 .txt 檔,之後再將該檔案改成 .bib
6. 使用 JabRef 打開 .bib 檔後,全選檔案再按 Ctrl + G 來自動產生 Bibtexkey ,再存檔覆蓋原先的 .bib。
7. 在 .tex 檔 \end{document} % 文件結束前 加入
\bibliographystyle{natbib} % 自己確定期刊需要的格式,這裡的 natbib 是如 Bioinformatics 採用的
\bibliography{bib檔的檔名} % 記得這裡只要檔名,副檔名 .bib 不要出現
8. 之後在 .tex 檔引用參考處使用
\citep{Bibtexkey_of_reference} % 格式可以參考 http://merkel.zoneo.net/Latex/natbib.php,而 Bibtexkey_of_reference 是 JabRef 幫你自動產生相對應的名稱,如 .bib 內某篇:
9. How can I merge several reference libraries together? (http://www.lib.uts.edu.au/node/7163)
Create a new, empty library - this will become your "main" library. Alternatively, you can choose one of your already existing libraries to be the "main" library.
With the "main" library open, click on File, Import.
Click on the Choose File button and pick one of the libraries you want to merge with the "main" library.
As Import Option, choose EndNote Library (NOT EndNote Import!)
Click on Import button.
Repeat to merge other libraries with the main library as necessary. Note that this process also keeps the original libraries. You may want to save or delete these.
- Dec 29 Mon 2008 17:04
[Ubuntu] 常用命令與技巧
Reference: http://www.busfly.cn/post/Ubuntu-cmd.html
sudo apt-get install 軟件名 安裝軟件命令
sudo nautilus 打開文件(有root權限)
su root 切換到「root」
ls 列出當前目錄文件(不包括隱含文件)
ls -a 列出當前目錄文件(包括隱含文件)
ls -l 列出當前目錄下文件的詳細信息
cd .. 回當前目錄的上一級目錄
cd - 回上一次所在的目錄
cd ~ 或 cd 回當前用戶的宿主目錄
mkdir 目錄名 創建一個目錄
rmdir 空目錄名 刪除一個空目錄
rm 文件名 文件名 刪除一個文件或多個文件
rm -rf 非空目錄名 刪除一個非空目錄下的一切
mv 路經/文件 /經/文件 移動相對路經下的文件到絕對路經下
mv 文件名 新名稱 在當前目錄下改名
find 路經 -name 「字符串」 查找路經所在範圍內滿足字符串匹配的文件和目錄
fdisk fdisk -l 查看系統分區信息
fdisk fdisk /dev/sdb 為一塊新的SCSI硬盤進行分區
chown chown root /home 把/home的屬主改成root用戶
chgrp chgrp root /home 把/home的屬組改成root組
Useradd 創建一個新的用戶
Groupadd 組名 創建一個新的組
Passwd 用戶名 為用戶創建密碼
Passwd -d用戶名 刪除用戶密碼也能登陸
Passwd -S用戶名 查詢賬號密碼
Usermod -l 新用戶名 老用戶名 為用戶改名
Userdel–r 用戶名 刪除用戶一切
tar -c 創建包 –x 釋放包 -v 顯示命令過程 –z 代表壓縮包
tar –cvf benet.tar /home/benet 把/home/benet目錄打包
tar –zcvf benet.tar.gz /mnt 把目錄打包並壓縮
tar –zxvf benet.tar.gz 壓縮包的文件解壓恢復
tar –jxvf benet.tar.bz2 解壓縮
make 編譯
make install 安裝編譯好的源碼包
reboot Init 6 重啟LINUX系統
Halt Init 0 Shutdown –h now 關閉LINUX系統
uname -a 查看內核版本
cat /etc/issue 查看ubuntu版本
lsusb 查看usb設備
sudo ethtool eth0 查看網卡狀態
cat /proc/cpuinfo 查看cpu信息
lshw 查看當前硬件信息
sudo fdisk -l 查看磁盤信息
df -h 查看硬盤剩餘空間
free -m 查看當前的內存使用情況
ps -A 查看當前有哪些進程
kill 進程號(就是ps -A中的第一列的數字)或者 killall 進程名( 殺死一個進程)
kill -9 進程號 強制殺死一個進程
apt-cache search package 搜索包
apt-cache show package 獲取包的相關信息,如說明、大小、版本等
sudo apt-get install package 安裝包
sudo apt-get install package - - reinstall 重新安裝包
sudo apt-get -f install 修復安裝」-f = –fix-missing」
sudo apt-get remove package 刪除包
sudo apt-get remove package - - purge 刪除包,包括刪除配置文件等
sudo apt-get update 更新源
sudo apt-get upgrade 更新已安裝的包
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade 升級系統
sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade 使用 dselect 升級
apt-cache depends package 瞭解使用依賴
apt-cache rdepends package 是查看該包被哪些包依賴
sudo apt-get build-dep package 安裝相關的編譯環境
apt-get source package 下載該包的源代碼
sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoclean 清理無用的包
sudo apt-get check 檢查是否有損壞的依賴
清理所有軟件緩存(即緩存在/var/cache/apt/archives目錄裡的deb包 )
sudo apt-get clean
sudo apt-get autoremove
- Dec 29 Mon 2008 14:49
[SuSE] rpm
rpm -ivh RPMSOURE
# rpm -ivh http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/10.3/repo/src-oss/suse/src/gnuplot-4.2.0-71.src.rpm
- Dec 29 Mon 2008 14:41
[SuSE] 查看版本
#cat /etc/SuSE-release
- Dec 28 Sun 2008 15:25
[javascript] assign a variable with multi lines
Use Notepad++ to replace "\r" to "\\n\\\r" of desired contents by "Extended" model in Find Replace dialog.
to variable XYZ.
First, replace "\r" to "\\n\\\r"
In addition, put above result into XYZ; for instance,
var XYZ = "A\n\(CR)(LF)
- Dec 26 Fri 2008 00:12
# cd EMBOSS-latest
# ./configure
# make check => Errors occur!
Error Message:
In file included from xwin.c:34:
plxwd.h:22:22: error: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory
plxwd.h:23:23: error: X11/Xutil.h: No such file or directory
plxwd.h:24:28: error: X11/cursorfont.h: No such file or directory
plxwd.h:25:24: error: X11/keysym.h: No such file or directory
# sudo apt-get install libx11-dev // for getting X11/Xlib.h, Xutil.h, cursorfont.h, and keysym.h; now those four files will be in /usr/include/X11/
# make check // need a while, but everything goes great
# make
# make install
Usage Error:
embossversion: error while loading shared libraries: libnucleus.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Reference: http://emboss.open-bio.org/pipermail/emboss/2004-July.txt
Solution: Add 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH' to ~/.bashrc (N.B., by using # locate libnucleus.so.6, you could find your own directory; instead, my directory to store libnucleus.so.6 is '/usr/local/lib')
# embossversion
Writes the current EMBOSS version number to a file
- Dec 25 Thu 2008 10:43
[phpmyadmin] Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly.
2.在/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini找到session.save_path 這一行,設成 session.save_path = /var/lib/php/session
3.#chown vuser:vgroup /var/lib/php/session 修改該目錄的所屬用戶和組,改為apache的啟動用戶和組即可,並要有寫入的權限。
3.1. mkdir /var/lib/php
3.2. mkdir /var/lib/php/session
3.3. chown www-data:www-data /var/lib/php/session (N.B., www-data is the apache2 account in Ubuntu 8.10.)
- Dec 24 Wed 2008 12:13
[PHP] jpgraph
# cd /usr/lib/php
# ln -sf JPGRAPHPATH/src jpgraph
# vi /usr/local/php5/lib/php.ini => include_path = ".:/usr/lib/php/jpgraph"
# /usr/sbin/apachectl restart
# cd /Library/WebServer/Documents
# mkdir jpgraph
# cd jpgraph
# cp -r JPGRAPHPATH/src .
# cp -r JPGRAPHPATH/docportal .
For instance,
include ("/Library/WebServer/Documents/jpgraph/src/jpgraph.php");
include ("/Library/WebServer/Documents/jpgraph/src/jpgraph_bar.php");
# cd /usr/lib/php5
# ln -sf JPGRAPHPATH/src jpgraph
# vi /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini => include_path = ".:/usr/share/php:/usr/lib/php5/jpgraph"
# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
# cd /var/www
# mkdir jpgraph
# cd jpgraph
# ln -sf JPGRAPHPATH/src/Examples .
# ln -sf JPGRAPHPATH/docs .
For instance,
include ("jpgraph.php");
include ("jpgraph_bar.php");
JpGraph Error
Font file "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype/verdana.ttf" is not readable or does not exist.
# sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts
# sudo vim JPGRAPHPATH/src/jpg-config.inc.php
# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
- Dec 24 Wed 2008 12:06
[Mac] colored vim
Add 'syntax on' to the end of '/usr/share/vim/vimrc'
- Dec 24 Wed 2008 11:53
[Mac] Symbolic Link & its trap
ln [-sf] 來源檔 目標檔
-s :如果不加任何參數就進行連結,那就是hard link,至於 -s 就是symbolic link
-f :如果 目標檔 存在時,就主動的將目標檔直接移除後再建立!
# ln -sf Source Target
# rm Target/
rm: Target/: is a directory
# rm -rf Target (N.B., Now you are DELETING Source, not the symbolic link of Target)
- Dec 24 Wed 2008 09:36
[Mac] Checking OS X version via command line/terminal
YOUR_MAC # sw_vers
ProductName: Mac OS X Server
ProductVersion: 10.4.11
BuildVersion: 8S169